26 February, 2023 – Version 4.3.1
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed Order date select issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
19 February, 2023 – Version 4.2.9
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed day translate issue
[*] Fixed day schedule not working issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
24 December, 2022 – Version 4.2.8
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed day translate issue
[*] Fixed WooCommerce latest version attribute compatibility issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
30 October, 2022 – Version 4.2.7
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed Delivery Availability Checker not work issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
31 Jul, 2022 – Version 4.2.6
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed order place without select delivery date issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
05 Jul, 2022 – Version 4.2.5
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed Admin panel responsive issue
[*] Fixed Admin order meta html show issue
[*] Fixed Admin order wrong subtotal show issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
02 May, 2022 – Version 4.2.4
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed Elementor latest version compatible issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbooktheme" & theme including "foodbook-core" Plugin to get the above updates)***
07 March, 2022 – Version 4.2.3
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed product extra features add conflict issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
03 March, 2022 – Version 4.2.2
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed credit card payment cancel status issue
[*] Fixed product description enter space not work issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
31 January, 2022 – Version 4.2.1
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Improved Admin design
[*] Fixed some CSS issue
[*] Compatibility with WordPress 5.9
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
13 November, 2021 – Version 4.2.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed Schedule delivery day & time zone issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
02 October, 2021 – Version 4.1.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[+] Added delivery boy assigned email notification option
[+] Added multiple branch manager select option
[+] Added multiple kitchen manager select option
[*] Fixed popup conflict issue
[*] Fixed current date show in the pre-order date field.
[*] Fixed PHP 8 support issues
[*] Fixed multiple variable product prices not work the issue
[*] Fixed product extra option edit issue
[*] Fixed UTC time zone incorrect order date issue
[*] Fixed some other issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
21 June, 2021 – Version 4.0.1
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[+] Made Compatible with "FoodBook Tips Addon" https://codecanyon.net/item/foodbook-tips-addon/32772327
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
19 June, 2021 – Version 4.0.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[+] Made Compatible with "FoodBook In-Restaurant Order Addon" https://codecanyon.net/item/foodbook-inrestaurant-orders-addon/32712756
[*] Fixed time picker 24 hour format not work issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
13 June, 2021 – Version 3.9.9
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed product Tax not showing issue
[*] Fixed search result product title click function does not work issue
[*] Fixed branch wise search not working issue
[*] Fixed unpaid orders not canceled when time limit is reached issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
08 June, 2021 – Version 3.9.8
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[+] Add close button hide option in Delivery Availability Checker popup
[*] Fixed shortcode availability Checker form conflict with availability Checker popup issue
[*] Fixed checkout without branch select issue in multibranch
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
26 May, 2021 – Version 3.9.7
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed Time zone UTC not work issue
[*] Fixed Hide the time slot from the current time issue
[*] Add Deliver/Pickup Time Option Note
[*] Add Option to Off current date order
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
05 May, 2021 – Version 3.9.6
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed manager modal responsive issue
[*] Remove pre order filter from Delivery boy admin
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
25 April, 2021 – Version 3.9.5
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed invoice quantity not showing issue
[*] Improved pagination style
[*] Provided support for "Foodbook Multi-Delivery Fees Addon/Plugin"
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
13 April, 2021 – Version 3.9.4
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed Manager Dashboard view issue
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
11 April, 2021 – Version 3.9.3
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed Admin manager order view error issue
[*] Fixed Delivery boy delivery location map error issue
[*] Fixed product extra item group field not work issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
08 April, 2021 – Version 3.9.2
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed shop manager login redirect admin page issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
08 April, 2021 – Version 3.9.1
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[+] Added new shortcode for multiple time use on the same page
[*] Fixed checkout page order place issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
04 April, 2021 – Version 3.9.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed popup zip code active issue
[*] Fixed Delivery Availability Checker popup scroll issue
[*] Fixed checkout page order place issue
[*] Fixed order notes data not show in admin issue
[*] Fixed some settings option issue
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
20 March, 2021 – Version 3.8.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[+] Added Break time in the time slot
[*] Fixed Delivery/Pickup Time and Date Hide not order place issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
11 March, 2021 – Version 3.7.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed Thermal/Receipt Printer invoice text color issue
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
04 March, 2021 – Version 3.6.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed time slot issue order before opening time
[*] Fixed invoice text color issue
[*] Fixed some other issue
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
02 March, 2021 – Version 3.5.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[+] Added product nutrition information adding option
[*] Fixed some other issue
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
01 March, 2021 – Version 3.4.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[+] Added product gallery
[+] Added order limit on time slot
[+] Added Minimum order amount set option
[+] Added option to set order amount for free shipping
[+] Added multiple categories set option in the shortcode
[+] Added Thermal/Receipt Printer invoice layout
[+] Added logo upload option in invoice
[+] Added invoice header text and footer text option
[*] Improved date formate
[*] Improved locate me icon
[*] Improved invoice
[*] Fixed settings page zip code edit not work issue
[*] Fixed shipping fee decimal not work issue
[*] Fixed date issue when language change
[*] Fixed some CSS issue
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
13 February, 2021 – Version 3.3.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed order place area hide when Availability Checker option deactivate and check Schedule Delivery/Pickup from the checkout page
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
12 February, 2021 – Version 3.2.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[+] Improved delivery time slot settings options
[+] Improved full delivery & pickup system
[+] Added multiple zip code adding options for zip code based delivery & pickup
[+] Added Day Based order delivery start and end time set option
[+] Added multiple holy day set option
[+] Added shortcode generator system in shortcode settings page
[+] Added delivery type select option in availability checker popup
[+] Added product extra features required set option
[+] Added extra feature min and max required number set option
[*] Fixed Variable product currency symbols issue
[*] Fixed Checkout page zip code delivery availability checker issue
[*] Fixed the time zone issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
18 January, 2021 – Version 3.1.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[+] Added product order change option ( ASC, DESC )
[*] Fixed Invitation email sender email issue
[*] Fixed Popup open footer CSS issue
[*] Fixed WooCommere review settings issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
09 January, 2020 – Version 3.0.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[+] Included FoodBook theme and demo data with FoodBook plugin
[+] Added time zone select option
[+] Added payment method type column in the admin order table
[+] Added delivery ability checker form shortcode
[+] Added order create time in order to create date
[*] Fixed sub category CSS issue
[*] Improved code
[*] Fixed some other issue
***(need to install and activate the "FoodBook Theme". Also, remove and reinstall the "FoodBook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
16 December, 2020 – Version 2.9.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[+] Added customer address directions map in delivery boy order view modal
[*] Fixed product descriptions HTML support issue
[*] Fixed user can order after order end-time issue
[*] Fixed order cancel and failed status issue
[*] Fixed product extra features add issue
[*] Update pot file
[*] Compatibility with WordPress 5.6
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
08 December, 2020 – Version 2.8.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[+] Added order status text change option in the settings page
[+] Added 2 hours and 3 hours delivery time slot
[+] Added checkout page delivery availability checker hide option
[+] Added Pre-order active/deactivate option
[*] Fixed google API console error
[*] Fixed more than 5 branch list not showing issue
[*] Fixed other logical issue
[*] Improved some options and functionalities
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
30 November, 2020 – Version 2.7.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[+] Added Delivery Location Availability Checker by address
[+] Added Delivery Location Availability Checker by ZIP Code
[+] Added Status Change Email Notification
[+] Added Google Distancematrix API to get distance between shop and customer location
[+] Added Google geocode API to find address
[+] Added kitchen manager/branch manager order table quantity show column.
[+] Added Deliver/Pickup Time Format
[*] Improve Delivery Schedule Type options
[*] improve Settings page design
[*] Improve internal code efficiency
[*] Fixed admin order manage realtime table update issue
[*] Fixed decimal separator and thousand separator issue
[*] Fixed admin order manage page css issue
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
05 November, 2020 – Version 2.6.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[+] Added Pre-Order Option
[+] Added Dynamic Date Option in Checkout Page
[+] Added Dynamic Time Options in Checkout Page
[+] Added Dynamic Time Slot Change Option ( like after every 30min/60min )
[+] Added Pre-Order Days Limit Option
[+] Added Delivery Start and End Time Option
[+] Added Time Zone Add Option
[+] Added Add To Cart Button Show/Hide Option
[+] Added Filter Option in Manager Dashboard to Filter by Delivery Date
[*] Fixed Some CSS Issue
[*] Fixed Price Decimal Issue in Order View Popup
[*] Fixed Some Other Issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
29 October, 2020 – Version 2.5.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[+] Added new order notification audio sound
[+] Added notification audio sound loop/once settings option
[+] Added notification audio sound upload option
[+] A big improvement admin manager real-time status update, notification update, order table update, and statistic update
[*] Fixed the admin manager reload issue
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
21 October, 2020 – Version 2.4.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[+] Added manager admin page new order notification sound
[*] Fixed variable product not working issue
[*] Fixed delivery complete status not changing in Woocommerce issue
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
12 October, 2020 – Version 2.3.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed Pickup Time and Deliver type not show in checkout page issue
[*] Fixed checkout page priority issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
06 October, 2020 – Version 2.2.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed guest user checkout allow issue
[*] Update Pot File
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
01 October, 2020 – Version 2.1.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed product thousand price issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
06 September, 2020 – Version 2.0.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[+] Added extra feature checkbox and radio button options
[+] Added shortcode attribute for page sidebar hide and show option
[+] Added shortcode attribute for product search bar hide and show option
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
31 August, 2020 – Version 1.9.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed decimal number price issue
[*] Fixed decimal number extra item price issue
[*] Fixed Some Other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
27 August, 2020 – Version 1.8.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[+] Added New Order Popup Notification for Admin and Manager Dashboard
[-] Removed Auto-Reload Option for Admin and Manager Dashboard
[*] Fixed Extra Add-on Special Characters Issue
[*] Fixed Price Calculation Issue
[*] Fixed Some Other Issue
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
24 August, 2020 – Version 1.7.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[+] Fixed Extra item add issue
[+] Fixed price showing issue
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
23 August, 2020 – Version 1.6.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[+] Added product list view
[+] Added Column and Layout Change option in settings options
[+] Added Shortcode attribute for column, layout, category
[*] Fixed some CSS issues
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
20 August, 2020 – Version 1.5.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed manager admin auto-reload
[+] Added Auto reload time set option
[+] Added Delivery hide option
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
18 August, 2020 – Version 1.4.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[+] Added delivery type select options Ex.: Only Delivery or Only Pickup or Delivery and Pickup both
[+] Added delivery/pickup time show/Hide option
[+] Added Product Shorting Order by filter options
[*] Fixed search product modal open issue
[*] Fixed currency symbol position not work issue
[*] Fixed draft product show issue
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
03 August, 2020 – Version 1.3.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[*] Fixed cart table responsive issue
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
02 August, 2020 – Version 1.2.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[+] Added payment type in order view popup
[+] Added invoice print option
[*] Fixed some CSS issues
[*] Fixed some other issues
***(need to remove and reinstall the "foodbook" Plugin to get the above updates)***
Version 1.1.0
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
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